Thursday, October 1, 2009

Learning erlang

No doubt about it, it's harder than python or ruby (possibly easier than haskell or clojure, I dunno).

Anyway, you now have two-and-a-half books

- Armstrong

- Cesarini / Thompson, ; Read the errata while you're at it;

- Logan / Merritt / Carlsson

The first 2 are excellent, I'm reasonably sure the last will be excellent in final form, but only 2/3 of chapters are available as MEAP

The last chapter, Style and Efficiency, of Cesarini / Thompson, may be worth price of book, if you didn't pay too much..

Nick Gerakines is also writing one, due Jan 2010 should be really good; Anderson, Jan Lehnardt, and Noah Slater will come out with couchDB book around end of 2009;
Other things you should read: Efficiency Guide tutorial, PDF format tutorial, HTML in frames programming examples (PDF format, a little dated, still educational)

Learn You Some Erlang

Ericsson "programming rules"

Searching mailing lists

i'm pretty sure the most popular word on the list is "undocumented"

The gateway between the official mailing list and the google groups "Erlang programming" is wonky. Posts are out of order on Google, multiple threads get lumped into one, quoted pieces don't have OP's name, ...

For whatever reason, the "Search this Group" button on won't return a lot of useful results (the multiple threads lumped together definitely doesn't help). And when you search by individual contributor, most of the hits are from "Erlang-Questions" group that doesn't exist and isn't cached;

Google search on "site:"


Lots of times, the heaviest hitters will answer posts on stackoverflow and the list. Spend some time reading posts by: Mikael Pettersson, Joel Reymont, Ulf Wiger, Richard Carlsson, Armstrong, Robert Virding, Claes Wikstrom (klacke). Also, Thomas Lindgren, Steve Davis;

And, from the Ericsson team, Bjorn Gustavsson, Kenneth Lundin, Raimo Niskanen, Rickard Green.

Now i have to post something

I promised to post something sometime...

Stuff i forgot:

- parameterized modules;
- erlectricity, all the ports, linked in drivers, and FFI stuff